企業(yè)信息 [普通會員]
  • 邢臺市富騰機械廠
  • 劉會強 總經(jīng)理
  • 經(jīng)營模式:生產(chǎn)商
  • 所在地區(qū):河北|邢臺
  • 關(guān)鍵字:
產(chǎn)品詳細說明 >>
PSBJ2500型全自動縱橫四邊鋸/PSBJ2500 vertical and horizontal saw   技術(shù)參數(shù)/Technical parameter: 產(chǎn)品名稱: SBJ2500型全自動縱橫四邊鋸 Product name: SBJ2500 type full automatic vertical and horizontal saw 最大鋸切尺寸: 1220mmx2440mm Maximum sawing dimension: 1220mmx2440mm 最大鋸切厚度: 60mm Maximum sawing thickness: 60mm 鋸片軸直徑: 25mm Saw shaft diameter: 25mm 鋸切電機功率: 5.5kw/4臺 Saw cutting motor power: 5.5kw/4臺 最大鋸片直徑: 300mm saw blade diameter: 300mm 外形尺寸: 11000x4300x1200mm Outline dimension: 11000x4300x1200mm 重量: 6300kg Weight: 6300kg 產(chǎn)品介紹/Product introduction: 1 該自動鋸由紅外線定位部分、預裝板設備、縱鋸小車、縱鋸小車壓緊結(jié)構(gòu)、縱鋸小車鏈條傳送設備、縱切鋸頭、橫鋸架、橫鋸小車、橫切鋸頭、橫鋸小車鏈條傳送設備、自動堆垛裝置等組成。 2 整個自動鋸動作由PLC控制,實現(xiàn)鋸切與堆垛的自動化,節(jié)約人工 3 該自動鋸由紅外線監(jiān)控,準確,避免浪費,而且鋸出來的木板比較光滑,效果好。 4 鋸邊機帶有除塵器除塵效果好,整機各處出塵點集中,能過強力排塵。 5 采用高精度耐磨導軌,鋸邊精度高,班產(chǎn)量可達3000-4000張,大大提高生產(chǎn)效率,增加利潤 5 供應各種型號的四邊鋸,可根據(jù)客戶要求指定定做。 1. the whole automatic saw action by the PLC control, realize sawing and stacking automation, saving manual 2. the automatic saw by infrared monitoring, accurate, avoid waste, and saw the board is relatively smooth, good results. 3.sawing machine with good dedusting efficiency, the dust everywhere concentrated can have strong dust. 4. high precision wear-resistant guide rail, high precision cutting edge, class production up to 3000-4000 Zhang, greatly improve production efficiency, according to customer requirements specified custom.