企業(yè)信息 [普通會員]
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  • 公司東距青島、嵐山、連云港三大海港平均距離150Km左右,臨沂宏福大帝(田園居)木業(yè)有限公司成立于一九九三年,座落在資源豐富、交通便利的著名膠合板生產(chǎn)基地山東臨沂黃金地段;注冊資金1000萬元,是一家經(jīng)國家商務部批準備案的外向型出口企業(yè),是以生產(chǎn)膠合板系列為主的大型企業(yè),距京石鐵路臨沂站10Km,距臨沂飛機場20Km,京滬高速臨沂出口3km,地理位置優(yōu)越,交通十分便利。公司占地10萬平方米,員工:500余名,下轄:膠合板廠,科技木廠,刨花板廠,細木工板廠,防火板廠,模板廠,加油站,房地產(chǎn)開發(fā),總資產(chǎn)約2億元,年生產(chǎn)總值3億元,現(xiàn)有包括拼接機,滾筒式干燥機,雙面定厚砂光機等國內(nèi)外先進的膠合板生產(chǎn)線十條,高檔刨花板生產(chǎn)線一條。 本公司產(chǎn)品嚴格按GB各項標準執(zhí)行,外銷產(chǎn)品則按JPIC、IHPA各項國際權威標準執(zhí)行,質量已達國際標準,是出口美國的定點企業(yè) 人本管理使企業(yè)能夠存在,制度管理使企業(yè)能夠壯大,創(chuàng)新管理使企業(yè)經(jīng)久不衰。宏福大帝(田園居)公司秉承“人+制度+創(chuàng)新”的G管理模式,以人為本,發(fā)揮團隊精神,實施規(guī)范化、標準化、制度化管理,以不斷創(chuàng)新為企業(yè)發(fā)展源泉和動力,旨在塑造一流企業(yè)形象,一流的管理水平,一流的產(chǎn)品質量,一流的服務素質。 多年來宏福大帝(田園居)木業(yè)一直以“客戶的需求是我們最大的追求”為企業(yè)發(fā)展的宗旨,“優(yōu)質的產(chǎn)品+超值的服務”使歸宏福大帝(田園居)木業(yè)贏得了眾多客戶的信任;目前公司90%的產(chǎn)品出口美國、以色列、比利時、韓國、新加坡、巴拿馬、非洲 德國、英國、等二十多個國家和地區(qū)。 主營業(yè)務:膠合板、建筑模板、細木工板 科技木 多層板 地板 刨花板 密度板 貼面板 防火板 經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 享受田園清新 締造健康居家多層板 裝飾板 家具板 沙發(fā)板 包裝板 防水多層板 門套板 公司建立了嚴格的質檢系統(tǒng),質檢中心通過國家出口膠合板過程監(jiān)督的檢驗檢疫模式|類企業(yè)審核要求,可進行膠合板甲醛釋放量測定、水分含量測定、膠合強度測定、彈性模量測定、靜曲度測定等。 歡迎選購,我廠專業(yè)生產(chǎn)各種規(guī)格多層板! 規(guī)格:1220*2440厚度:4~40厘 膠合板:E0/E1/E2/MR三聚氰胺 膠合板:奧古曼、楊木,冰糖果、白柳桉,樺木,松木等等。 芯板:楊木//雜木,柳桉,樺木等。 1完整的生產(chǎn)流程,原木進口,原木旋切,單板加工,制膠,貼面,加工成成品。所有工序獨立完成,保證了單板配套,膠水穩(wěn)定,使得板材平整環(huán)保。膠合板二次成型,雙頭砂光機定制砂光。 2認證齊全,通過了十環(huán),CARB認證,通過了ISO9001和ISO14001認證,有E1,E2等各種環(huán)保膠合板。 3產(chǎn)品系列:生產(chǎn)各種花色多層板(樺木,水曲柳,沙比利櫸木,奧古曼【桃花芯】,白楊木面等),定做激光模板,宏福大帝膠合板系中國名牌,歡迎廣大客商來公司參觀洽談。 4企業(yè)榮譽:山東名牌山東馳名商標,CARB,德國營房部家具材料中國指定生產(chǎn)單位。 5規(guī)格齊全,材料齊全,是出口膠合板的信譽單位。 如果有特殊規(guī)格膠合板也可根據(jù)客戶要求定做!膠合板!膠合強度好,表面平整,無空隙,邊整齊,無離芯無重疊無泡我們會用最優(yōu)質的服務,最高的品質,最優(yōu)惠的價格,最快捷的生產(chǎn)效率,為您做出您合適的板材 QQ 聯(lián)系人:曹經(jīng)理  享受田園清新 締造健康居家 Produce multilayer prototypes decorative furniture panels sofa board packaging board waterproof produce multilayer prototypes The company set up a strict quality control system, quality control center through national export plywood process supervision inspection inspection Epidemic model | class enterprise audit requirements, can undertake plywood formaldehyde release a quantity determination, moisture content determination, agglutination is strong To measure and the elastic modulus measurements, static curvature measuring etc. Welcome to buy my factory specialized production each kind of specification produce multilayer prototypes! Specification: 1220 * 2440 thickness: 3 ~ 40 per cent Plywood: E0 / E1 / E2 / MR melamine Plywood: Mr GuMan, cypress, ice candy, BaiLiu eucalyptus, birch, pine, etc. Core board: cypress / / miscellaneous wood, lauan, birch, etc. 1 complete production process, log import, the original rotary cutting, veneer processing, manufacturing rubber, stick a face, processed into Finished product. All processes independently, to ensure the veneer form a complete set, glue stability, making the plank smooth environmental protection. glue Plywood second shaped, two-headed sanding machine customization sanding. 2 the authentication is complete, through ten ring, CARB authentication, passed the ISO9001 and ISO14001 authentication, there is E1, E2 wait for all sorts of environmental protection plywood. 3 products series: production all sorts of design and color produce multilayer prototypes (birch, northeast China ash, shabili ju, Mr GuMan [ Peach blossom core], poplar wood surface, etc), custom-built laser templates, tivoli emperor of China famous brand, plywood welcome wide Big merchants to come to our company to visit and discuss. 4 enterprise in shandong famous shandong honor: well-known trademark, CARB, Germany YingFangBu furniture materialChina the designated production units. 5 specification complete, the materials are complete, export plywood credit units. If you have special specification plywood can also according to customer requirements. Plywood! The bond strength of good, surface level off, without gap, the side neat and no from core without overlap no bubble We will use the most high-quality service, the highest quality, the most favorable price, the most efficient production efficiency, for you Make you proper sheet QQ contacts: CaoJingLi  Enjoy rural pure and fresh and then build you healthy home