企業(yè)信息 [普通會員]
  • 關鍵字:
  • 上海宇彬木業(yè)有限公司是一家經國家相關部門批準注冊的企業(yè)。上海宇彬木業(yè)有限公司憑著良好的信用、優(yōu)良的服務與多家企業(yè)建立了長期的合作關系:公司主營:椿木。樺木;橡膠木;楸木;水曲柳;雜木;楊木;樟子松;椴木..等進口國產名貴家具工藝木材.可定各種特殊規(guī)格.上海宇彬木業(yè)有限公司熱誠歡迎各界朋友前來參觀、考察.洽談業(yè)務。 Bin Yu Wood Co., Ltd. Shanghai is a approval by the relevant state registration of enterprises. Wood Co., Ltd. Shanghai Yu Bin With good credit, excellent service and number of enterprises established long-term relationship: Main: birch; rubber wood; catalpa wood; hemlock; Hardwood; poplar; Pinus sylvestris ; linden wood .. and other imported luxury furniture made of wood technology. can be all kinds of special specifications. Shanghai Yu Bin Wood warmly welcome all friends to visit, study, business negotiations.、